
You can make a difference. We need your help!

As a friend and mutual music lover, we ask you to think about how music affects you PERSONALLY and what a powerful gift it is to pass that on to another human being.

We are officially setting a goal to raise $250,000 by the end of 2025. This will not only fund our operating costs, but will provide us with the capital to offer scholarships to individual students, fund more programs for disadvantaged youth in poor communities (of which there are MANY in northern Michigan), continue expanding our reach geographically, and increase our program offerings to include workshops and classes on music production, music theory and arrangement, and a host of other fields of musical study.

Please consider becoming part of the Big Water Creative Arts experience. We would be grateful for the opportunity to meet with you to share our vision for the future. If you don’t have time to meet with us in person, we ask you to consider a donation or a gift in kind of a musical instrument (or more), musical equipment, paper supplies, a printer or computer…or hosting a fundraising party, musical performance or event. There are so many ways you can contribute to our musical mission. Please contact us. We NEED your support. And, we’re 501c3, so your support is tax deductible!

We hope to add your name to the list of Big Water Creative Arts supporters.